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at first hand造句

"at first hand"是什么意思  
  • I had seen something of this imbroglio at first hand .
  • I suggested that at the very least would need to see at first hand the scale of the watching operation .
  • Emerson exhorted them to "cast behind you all conformity, and acquaint men at first hand with deity. "
  • Each divinity school student was "a newborn bard of the holy ghost", whom emerson exhorted to "cast behind you all conformity, and acquaint men at first hand with deity" .
  • It is much cheaper to buy goods delivered at first hand
  • I found out my grades on the internet at first hand
  • It is much cheaper to buy goods delivered at first hand
  • But only read life at first hand
  • He ' s one of the few westerners who has experienced conditions there at first hand
  • Emerson exhorted them to " cast behind you all conformity , and acquaint men at first hand with deity .
    爱默生鼓励他们“摒弃一切俗尚,直接和神灵交往。 ”
  • It's difficult to see at first hand in a sentence. 用at first hand造句挺难的
  • It had seen at first hand in the 1973 arab - israeli war the damage that modern air defences can cause
  • Seeing these problems at first hand inspired her majesty to a dedicated commitment to environmental conservation and the preservation of natural resources
    这样的成效使得所有工作上的劳累和财政上的支持,都显得那样的物有所值。 ”
  • They are here to see at first hand the huge economic developments in china and to explore further business partnerships between british and chinese companies
  • They were here to see at first hand the huge economic developments in china and to explore further business partnerships between british and chinese companies
  • Each divinity school student was " a newborn bard of the holy ghost " , whom emerson exhorted to " cast behind you all conformity , and acquaint men at first hand with deity "
    神学院的学生们是“神灵新生的诗人” ,爱默生鼓励他们“摒弃一切俗尚,直接和神灵交往” 。
  • There is every reason to be hopeful about the future . as i make visits around the country , i see at first hand the effort being made to bring communities together
  • Participants will be able to take an hour - long coral observation tour aboard our glass - bottomed boat , transparency , to experience this amazing underwater world at first hand
  • This coincided with its reopening up to the outside world which has enabled an increasing number of americans to travel there in order to experience at first hand the splendours of this venerable civilization
  • Mcclaren said of his visit : " i am looking forward to seeing michael and hearing from him at first hand just how much progress he is making from his knee injury
    麦克拉伦在谈到此次造访的时候说: “我很期待看到迈克尔的表现,而且希望能第一时间知道他的消息,我想知道他的伤恢复的怎么样。 ”
  • Passing on the lessons of history to a younger , more nationalistic generation that never experienced horrors at first hand is china ' s “ big problem ” , says lee kuan yew , singapore ' s elder statesman
    将历史灌输给新一代,更加民族主义的这一代人从未直接经历过灾难,这是中国的“大问题” ,新加坡的政坛元老李光耀说道。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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